Using 3Ds Max to set up the camera path for animation rendering of maximum 90s.....
Then, create a spline to set up the camera path and raise it to eye-level view.
To let the camera follow the splines, create a camera and click on Motion> Assign Controller Position: Position XYZ
Then, click the little box at the top left corner Path Constraint to enable "Path Constraint"
After that, click Add Path and select the line that has been created.
Rotate the camera view to any desired direction or click "Follow Path" to face the line.
Creating a boat path for it to move during the animation video.
At Assign Position Controller, select 'Path Constraint'. Add Path and select the spline
To create a smooth turning, modify the line vertex and set the fillet value.
At Render Setup [F10], Click Global Illumination> Reuse FG and GI Disk Caching> Final Gather Map> Read FG Point Only from Existing Map files> Generate Final Gather Map File Now to compute Final Gather Points to save rendering time.
Render all the frames and merge into a movie by saving them as Avi file.
Main Problems......
Long Hours of Test Renderings :( :( :( :(
Image size 1920 x 1080 for almost 9 hours
Decided to modify the size of the terrain to reduce rendering time
Creating a dome for the surrounding environment
Modifying the female the human model to fit her into the boat
Editing Time......
Using Adobe After Effects to readjust the exposure and reduce noise in the video
The scene in animation video were split into 8 frames to save rendering time
Stitch the rendered clips using video editing software such as Window Movie Maker for the animation.
Adding background music and nature sound effects to enhance the effect.